Injury damage

The lawyer and personal injury law

Personal injury law is a specialist part of liability law. If an accident or other unfortunate incident happens to you as a result of which you suffer injuries, in many cases you will be entitled to compensation for the damage from the party causing it or their insurance. The lawyers at Van Diepen Van der Kroef will be happy to help you recover the damage while you focus on your own recovery. To keep personal injury victims well informed, we have set up a dedicated website ( especially for personal injury victims, with additional information and answers to the most frequently asked questions. Instead of reading further, you can also visit that separate webpage.

Acknowledgement of liability

Once liability has been acknowledged by the other party or their insurer, which often happens in practice, then the settlement can be set in motion. Calculating the damage is often complicated, but you can also leave that to our lawyers. Damage comes in different forms, for instance damage in terms of loss of earning power because you can no longer work, domestic help because you are no longer able to take care of that yourself, and medical expenses. Loss and suffering (intangible damage) is another damage item. Compensation for loss and suffering reflects damage in the form of pain, sorrow and loss of enjoyment of life. We assess the damage with you and see what can be made of it, because the situation is already unpleasant enough.

Intake meeting

We will schedule an intake meeting with you to identify the injury, the damage and the strategy. That is the first step. Depending on what you prefer, we can schedule a visit at your home or at our office. A video call appointment is also a possibility.

  • When can we assist you?
  • You have been the victim of a road accident
  • You have been the victim of an industrial accident
  • You have contracted an occupational illness
  • You have suffered injuries from someone else's animal or pet
  • You have been the victim of medical negligence
  • You have been the victim of a violent crime
  • You have been the victim of a sex crime
  • You are suffering from emotional damage because your loved one has died at the hands of another person

Free legal assistance

If it is established that someone other than yourself is liable for the damage you suffered, the costs (including lawyer's costs) will also become part of your damage. These costs should also then be reimbursed in full by the other party or their insurer. To that extent, your legal assistance is free of charge. If you initially had to pay part of the costs yourself because the acknowledgement of liability took some time, we will also recover those costs from the other party once liability has been acknowledged or established.

Transfer of your file

Are you already being assisted by a personal injury lawyer or another lawyer and are you unhappy with the service? We can take over your file and the claim settlement process from your previous representative. Being a qualified lawyer is not a requirement for acting as a representative in personal injury cases. This means that others, to whom the same training requirements do not apply, also act for victims. With our lawyers, you are assured of thorough, inspired and committed legal assistance.

Do not hesitate to call or email us for a no-obligation consultation.

Injury damage lawyers

Aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Letselschade, Procesrecht
Aansprakelijkheidsrecht, Letselschade, Procesrecht

Client experiences

Alles is top voor mij opgelost! Ze denken over alles mee en gaan echt voor je aan de slag! Tegenpartij wees van meet af aan alle mogelijke verantwoordelijkheid van de hand. Dankzij alle hulp van dit Advocatenkantoor, na meer dan zes maanden alsnog genoegdoening gehad. Oprecht alle lof voor hen optreden

Rémon van Mourik

Op een middag word je gebeld dat je zoon op zijn fiets aangereden is door een motor. In de stress ben je voornamelijk bezig met je zoon en zijn welzijn. Op dat moment vraag je niet naar de gegevens van de tegenpartij en ben je al lang blij dat je kind afgezien van wat schaafwonden verder ogenschijnlijk met de schrik er van af is. De dagen erna blijkt de schade, weleens waar maar materieel, toch behoorlijk in de centen loopt. Politie geeft geen gegevens vrij en probeer dan maar de motorrijder te achterhalen, laat staan de kosten te verhalen. Bij Van Diepen een toegewijde en deskundige E. Tinga toegewezen gekregen. Naast het ontzorgen, is het ook fijn dat iemand je helpt en stap voor stap je op de hoogte houdt van de vorderingen en hier ook bovenop zit. Al met al, klinkt gek, zit je niet op een letselschade advocaat te wachten, maar als je er een nodig hebt is Van Diepen wel een heel fijn kantoor om je te helpen.


Na een bijtincident met een dier kenden wij ons recht niet en namen wij contact op met Van Diepen. Eke Tinga helpt ons op een zeer betrokken en doortastende wijze met de verschillende kanten van ons dossier. Zij neemt regelmatig contact met ons op en informeert naar de stand van zaken. Daarnaast ontzorgt zij ons volledig in het contact met de wederpartij. Wij zijn blij met haar inzet als onze advocaat.

Menno Kronenburg

Get in touch

Do you have a question or do you want more information, our specialists respond quickly and are always available. 


Other jurisdictions

Liability law
